- Reading area
- Past papers
- Photocopying Service
- Printouts & Scanning
- Software system
- Library Security – CCTV camera system
Computer Lab

- The University Identity Card must be produced at the counter to borrow books.
- Books of Permanent References, past papers and periodicals will be issued only for photocopying purposes.
- Lending Books are loaned for a period of two weeks.
- Scheduled Reference Books are issued for overnight and weekend use.
- Permanent References consists of Dictionaries, Important text books and guidelines. These are released only for the purpose of taking photocopies within the library.
Staff Members – By submitting the dully completed application form for staff registration.
Undergraduate Students – students can be enrolled at the time of opening the faculty for a new academic year by submitting the dully completed application form with recommendation of Faculty Head and Student Identity Card/ Receipt for payment of library fees.
Other Students –By submitting the dully completed application form with recommendation of Faculty Head and Student Identity Card/ Receipt for payment of library fees.
- Readers must produce their University Record Book/Identity Card when entering the library.
- Readers must keep their belongings such as books, printed materials, bags etc. in the rack behind the entrance.
- All readers should avoid wearing unsuitable clothes like shorts, caps etc. when they enter the library.
- Silence should be observed in all area of the library.
- Cellular/Mobile phones should be switched off within the library premises.
- Smoking and consumption of food or drink are forbidden in the library.
- Readers are not allowed to do joint work and discussion in the library.
- Seats in the library may not be reserved or removed by the readers.
- When taking photocopies the pages should not be folded and use from provided to indicate pages.
- Do not leave your personal belongings in the library. The library staff will not responsible for any losses.
- Visitors to the library are required to obtain the permission of the Librarian to enter the library.
- Prior approval should be obtained from the librarian to take photographs inside the library.
- Any disorderly or improper conduct or breach of regulations will render the reader or borrower concerned liable to suspension from using the library.
Opening Hours: 8.30 an – 4.00 pm
Open Dates: Monday – Friday
Closing Dates: Public Holidays and University Special Holidays