Korean Assistance for Capacity Enhancement of the Department of Coastal & Marine Resources Management, Ocean University of Sri Lanka
The Office of International Affairs (OIA) of the Korea Maritime & Ocean University (KMOU) has selected Ocean University as a Partner University to their existing prestigious international programmes. Recently a delegation headed by Dr. LIM, Sun-Young, Dean, Office of International Affairs made their first visit to OCUSL in order to initiated the activities of the agreed project – Capacity Enhancement of the Department of Coastal & Marine Resources Management, Ocean University of Sri Lanka. This project has been approved by the higher authorizes of the Government. Since the project aims to build a sound cooperation between the two universities, popularize maritime education among school children and particularly to assist the academic and research programmes of the CRM Department of OCUSL following activities have been identified and implemented in the coming years;
- Number of well performed students to visit KMOU to join their academic programmes under the International Exchange Programme of OIA
- Staff members to visit KMOU as exposure visits
- Review and develop curriculum of CRM Degree programme
- Provide scientific equipment for research and academic activities
- Provide scientific books, text books, lab manuals etc.
- Conduct school education programme for selected high school students in order to popularize marine science among them
- Assist to develop an M Sc programme in Marine Products and Biotechnology