Seafarers Unit
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Seafarer Unit
Sc. in Marine Engineering Degree Programme at the department of Marine Engineering was designed to produce graduate with comprehensive theoretical knowledge and practical competencies who would be able to serve in the shore-based industry as well as onboard vessels after completing the degree programme with approved supplementary programme.
Continuous Discharge Certificate is basically the Passport for a seafarer to embark their career as a seaman. In Sri Lanka CDCs are issued by the MSS (Merchant Shipping Secretariat). To obtain a CDC, a candidate must follow MSS approved course which is recognized by the IMO and follows the rules, regulations and standards specified in STCW. The seafarer Unit of the Ocean University was establish to conduct the approved STCW courses as covered both Operational and Supportive level of the ship to cater existing man power demand prevailing in international shipping industry thus enhancing the capability of seafarers to generate the much needed foreign exchange which is vital economic development of the country.

Teaching Facilities
The classroom equipped with a multimedia projector and a whiteboard, Smart Board and flipchart are provided for teaching the course and holding formal and informal subgroup discussions. Numerous replicated engines, posters, displays and engine room equipment are used from various establishments in developing the practical competence required by STCW 2010 amendment.
- Well ventilated, air conditioned spacious room and halls are provided to conduct lectures. Multimedia projectors, educational models and pictures of machinery and equipment displayed facilities available in lecture rooms.
- Laboratories and workshops equipped with equipment and machines to conduct recommended practical in syllabus. A library is provided with all necessary types of text books, magazines, charts, notices, regulations etc. for the use of students and facilitators attached to Ocean University.
- A computer room provides enhanced facility to familiar with the educational software and application of computer knowledge to deal with dedicated software packages.
- Sound working condition of equipment and machineries are inspected, tested and maintained by technical officers under the supervision of the lecturer in charge of the laboratory.
- Classrooms are big enough to seat all students with possible interspaces so they can see and hear the instructor.
- Quality management system of Marine Engineering department in compliance with ISO 9001:2015 which is certified by the Bureau of Veritas (France)
Industrial Training
Six months industrial training is included in degree program industrial training, in Colombo Dockyard and Colombo Ports Authority or MSS approved workshop such as ports authority, power plant is done basically to comply with STCW requirements in achieving relevant competencies in various industrial applications. Industrial training is made mandatory for all students and requirement for fulfillment of degree course.
Hierarchy of the Unit

Sea Career Development - Marine Engineer