

Memorandum of Understanding -Korea Maritime and Ocean University and Ocean University of Sri Lanka

The Ocean University of Sri Lanka has signed an MOU with Korea Maritime and Ocean University on 16th August 2021 to carry out student exchange, academic exchange programmes and long term trainings such as MScs and PhDs. Under this programme Korea Maritime and Ocean University has selected 9 students from the four departments of Ocean University Sri Lanka to carry out Global Maritime and Ocean Science (GMOS) Fall 2022 training programme which was the great achievement of the University in year 2022.

Memorandum of Understanding -Korea Maritime and Ocean University and Ocean University of Sri Lanka

The Ocean University of Sri Lanka has signed second MOU with Korea Maritime and Ocean University in 2022 to enhance the capacity of the Coastal and Marine Resources Management Department. The proposed project will be conducted the period during 2022 to 2029.

The project will assist the department of CRM in areas such as;

  • Restructuring of the department and curriculum revision and human resources development through training and exchange staff and student program.
  • Restructuring of the department and curriculum revision and human resources development through training and exchange staff and student program.
  • Restructuring of the department and curriculum revision and human resources development through training and exchange staff and student program.
  • Restructuring of the department and curriculum revision and human resources development through training and exchange staff and student program.
  • Restructuring of the department and curriculum revision and human resources development through training and exchange staff and student program.

The total funding for the project is USD 2.2 million.

Memorandum of Understanding – South China Sea Institute of Oceanology and Ocean University of Sri Lanka

South China Sea Institute of Oceanology (SCSIO) and Ocean University is already develop a MOU and project proposal to Capacity enhancement of the Ocean University of Sri Lanka by way of research

The Ocean University of Sri Lanka is entrusted with enhancing ocean, atmospheric and biological research in coastal waters around Sri Lanka during the period of 2022-2027. The goal of the project is to develop new insights on ocean atmospheric influence on Indian Ocean and coastal waters of Sri Lanka to collect baseline information. The project will provide extensive experiences and skills to the academics, graduate and postgraduate students in Ocean University of Sri Lanka (OCUSL. The necessary instrumentation, expertise and financial assistance is sought through South China Sea Institute of Oceanology (SCSIO), Chinese Academy of Science (CAS). The required funds will be utilized for field data collection, monitoring and instrumentation acquisition, maintenance of instrument and capacity enhancement of Ocean University academics and students which will enhance long-term oceanographic research capabilities in Sri Lanka. The total value of the project is USD 237,000.00

Memorandum of Understanding – University of Notre Dame and Ocean University of Sri Lanka

The Ocean University of Sri Lanka is developing a project proposal together with University of Notre Dame to carry out Oceanographic research around Sri Lanka and enhance the research capacity in the Ocean University of Sri Lanka. The project will be conducted around Sri Lanka as well as in the Bay of Bengal area during the period of 2022-2027 using the research vessel belong to Ocean University. The objectives of the research is to develop new insights and enhance capacity on ocean atmospheric influence on the regional meteorology, water mass exchange and monsoon response. The proposed activities will be useful for skills development of academics, undergraduates, and postgraduate students not only in Ocean University of Sri Lanka (OCUSL) but also other National Universities and higher education institutes in Sri Lanka. Since, the University is lacking with instruments, technical staff and financing, the financial, instrument, technical and expert’s assistance is sought through the University of Notre Dame (ND) and University of Washington (UW), USA. By initiation of the project, Ocean University of Sri Lanka will act as the chief investigator in the National party and ND and UW will serve and international partner to the project. With purpose of initiation of the project Ocean University is developing a MoU with University of Notre Dame. The total value of the project is USD 85,000.00

IMAREST – Scholarship Program for Marine Engineering Students

Agnes Wijesuriya Charity Fund with the support of Institute of Marine Engineering Science & Technology and Society of Chief Engineers Marine has arranged a必利勁 scholarship program to financially support the students following Marine Engineering Courses in Government Institutes in Sri Lanka. The scholarship provide financial assistance of five thousand rupees per month up to three years. Under this programme, Ocean University has received nine (9) scholarships which was the maximum number for year 2022. Appreciate if you could please provide us statistics of Marine Engineering students intake and pass out from 2015 to 2020. The awarding ceremony was held on 30th April 2022.

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