

B. Marine Engineering Degree Programme at the department of Marine Engineering was designed to produce graduate with comprehensive theoretical knowledge and practical competencies who would be able to serve in the shore-based industry as well as onboard vessels after completing the degree programme with approved supplementary programme.

Continuous Discharge Certificate is basically the Passport for the seafarers to embark their career as a seaman. In Sri Lanka CDCs are issued by the MSS (Merchant Shipping Secretariat). To obtain a CDC, a candidate must follow MSS approved course which is recognized by the IMO and follows the rules, regulations and standards specified in STCW. The seafarer Unit of the Ocean University was established to conduct the approved STCW courses as covered both Operational and Supportive level of the ship to cater existing man power demand prevailing in international shipping industry thus enhancing the capability of seafarers to generate the much needed foreign exchange which is vital economic development of the country.

The provisional approval has been granted by the MSS to conduct the bridging programme in the Ocean University with effect from 18th of April 2022. The is the remarkable achievement of Ocean University after two decades.

By employing Marine professional engineer in OCUSL Marine Engineering department wish to achieve a significant goal by producing marine engineering officer cadets for first time in the history of the last 20 will be remarkable venture of Sri Lankan youth to embark on seafarer carrier as a B. Marine Engineering graduates.

By establishing a seafarer unit, the number of deck and engine rating CDC holders could be double as it required, restructuring of the seafarer rating training programme to be in compliance with MSS requirements as a result maximum utilization of the OCUSL man power resources and infrastructure will take place.

As a department anticipate to active project with the ambition of revenue generating unit to minimize the burden of utilization of government funds.

By producing seafarers to the international market with proper quality and attitude, the country will be benefited by generating foreign currency inflow.

It will be lucrative employment for our graduates as well as to country because the opportunity to earn bring foreign currency is immense.

The OCUSL of Sri Lanka is contributing to the shoes base marine engineering sector by producing graduate with comprehensive knowledge in ship repair, ship design and ship construction it will have a remarkable impact on the vision of ‘SAUBAGYE DEKMA’ of his excellency honorable president Gotabaya Rajapaksha.

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